How do I format text?
Lighthouse uses Markdown for its default text formatting for Tickets, Pages, Milestone Goals and Messages inside your Account and Projects. Previously, Lighthouse only used a custom textile-like formatting which worked well for very basic formatting needs, but did not allow for specific features that were in high demand, such as nested lists.
The original textile-like formatting is still part of Lighthouse, we've just plugged a full set of Markdown to accompany it.
Link to a ticket
You can link to a ticket by simply referring to the ticket
number, so by simply typing #43
will render a link to
ticket #43 inside your current project.
Italic and Bold text:
gives you italic text
gives you bold text
Lighthouse automatically will render links, so entering will spit out
To create inline links using Markdown, you would simply use the following:
which will make a Lighthouse a
Code Blocks
By using @@@
wrappers around your code, you can
create code blocks for posting code into your tickets.
@@@ javascript
var bar = function() {
// function code here
will render...
var bar = function() {
// function code here
Inline images

will render...
To create a header, you just surround the text with # marks. The number of # marks will render the size of the header, so...
# Header 1 #
## Header 2 ##
### Header 3 ###
will render...
Header 1
Header 2
Header 3
Ordered Lists
1. This is the first item
2. This is the second item
3. This is the third item
will render...
- This is the first item
- This is the second item
- This is the third item
Unordered Lists
* This is the first item
* This is the second item
* This is the third item
will render...
- This is the first item
- This is the second item
- This is the third item
Nested Lists
* This is the first item
* This is the second item
* This is the third item
* This is the fourth item
* This is the fifth item
will render...
- This is the first item
- This is the second item
- This is the third item
- This is the fourth item
- This is the second item
- This is the fifth item
1. This is the first item
* This is the second item
* This is the third item
2. This is the forth item
will render...
- This is the first item
- This is the second item
- This is the third item
- This is the forth item
> Email-style angle brackets
> are used for blockquotes.
> > And, they can be nested.
> #### Headers in blockquotes
> * You can quote a list.
> * Etc.
will render...
Email-style angle brackets are used for blockquotes.
And, they can be nested.
Headers in blockquotes
- You can quote a list.
- Etc.
Code snippets
spans are delimited by backticks.
You can include literal backticks
like `this`
Preformatted Code Blocks
This is a normal paragraph.
This is a preformatted
code block.
will render...
This is a normal paragraph.
This is a preformatted
code block.
Horizontal Rules
* * *
- - - -
By using any of those three indicators you will render...
a horizontal rule...