Lighthouse integration with Teatrail
Recently I've integrated our Test Management Tool - TestRail
with Lighthouse. It allows user to 'jump' from testcase (in
TestRail) to particular ticket in a Lighthouse in order to see or
create ticket as well as create a bug.
The question is - is there any way to see testcases from the ticket
in a Lighthouse?
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1 Posted by Nicole on 17 Jan, 2014 04:52 PM
Just to make sure I'm understanding correctly, you want to be able to know which testcase the ticket was created from and currently that information is unavailable in the Lighthouse tickets?
If this is the case, this would be something that TestRail would send along on their side of integration when the ticket is created. You might want to open a feature request for this because I can see where that would be super helpful.
Let me know if I've misunderstood.
2 Posted by Kseniia on 17 Jan, 2014 05:05 PM
yea, I want to see how many TCs were created for this particular ticket. There is a reference field in each TC in the TestRail. The reference URLs are used to link test cases to tickets stored in Lighthouse via the References field. Once the URLs have been configured, ticket IDs entered in the References field are linked to your Lighthouse instance to make it easier to jump to related issues, feature specifications or requirements.
It would be very helpful if my manager can go to the ticket, click on the button and it will show all testcases from the TeatRail were created for this ticket. How many of them were pass/fails...
3 Posted by Kseniia on 17 Jan, 2014 05:10 PM
So in a TestRail side - they can "Push" defects into a ligthouse, see tickets etc.
I'm asking about Lighthouse side - is it possible to see TCs which are stored in a lighthouse and has reference URL = lighthouse ticket URL ?
4 Posted by Julien on 17 Jan, 2014 11:14 PM
So the answer to your question is yes and no. We have no direct way, from Lighthouse, to link to test cases in TestRail. This would require that you enter your TestRail credentials and/or API key, and that we build a dedicated integration for TestRail. We don't typically do that.
The way other services work is by adding a comment to the ticket when an action occurs. So for example, when we attach a discussion in Tender to a ticket in Lighthouse, Tender itself goes and writes a comment on the ticket saying: "this ticket has been attached to discussion XXX on Tender", with a link. Lighthouse doesn't have to do anything, but we still get links back to Tender.
So I would submit a feature request to TestRail, to have them add a comment with a link and the result of the test to the ticket. This is probably doable by mashing up both APIs as well. You could also look at services such as Zapier.
Let me know if you have any question.
brandi closed this discussion on 22 Jan, 2014 07:16 PM.