Moving Exponent to a New Server
I am in the process of moving a web site from an insecure server to a secure server in a different account. I have created a new MySQL database with the same parameters as the existing site, except for the IP address. I exported the current database and imported successfully into the new database. I registered a new domain name on the new server for testing and have uploaded all of the existing site content. Then I updated the conf.php with the new database IP address. The site works fine, however there are a couple of issues:
1. I can't log into the new site. After entering username and password it just drops back to the home page without login.
2. The images are all linked via theme_relative but that links to the images on the old site every time. e.g.
<img src="<?php echo THEME_RELATIVE?>images/logo.gif" alt="British Trolleybus Society" width="584" height="69" class="title_logo" />
Although I haven't as yet updated the menu imbed file links to https the new site seems to have converted these dynamically.
The old site is at and the new copy at I guess I've missed something, but trawling through the site files doesn't show anything obvious. Can you help please? Thanks.
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brandi closed this discussion on Jul 03, 2018 @ 04:26 PM.